Youth Led Enviromental Action

World Environment Day is a global platform for raising awareness and taking action on urgent environmental issues. This year, in celebration of this important day, the members of the Youth Forum at LUMO Conservancy gathered to learn about the impact of invasive species on rangelands and took hands-on action to protect their environment.

Learning About Invasive Species and other noxious weeds

Invasive species and noxious weeds are a significant threat to biodiversity and the health of rangelands. These species often outcompete native flora and fauna, leading to ecosystem imbalances and the degradation of natural habitats. During the event, experts provided the youth with in-depth knowledge about these species, particularly focusing on their identification, impact, and management strategies.

One species highlighted during the session was Ipomoea Hildebrantii, a noxious weed known for its aggressive growth and detrimental effects on rangelands. The youth forum learned how this plant spreads, its impact on local ecosystems, and the importance of its removal to maintain the health of the rangelands.

The Impact of Youth Involvement

After the educational session, the youth forum members took direct action by participating in an activity to remove Ipomoea Hildebrantii from affected areas within LUMO Conservancy. Armed with tools and guided by conservation experts, the young participants worked diligently to uproot and dispose of the invasive weed. This hands-on experience not only provided practical skills but also instilled a sense of responsibility and stewardship for their environment.

Engaging the youth in conservation activities is crucial for fostering a generation that values and actively participates in environmental protection. The participation of the Youth Forum in removing Ipomoea Hildebrantii demonstrated their commitment to preserving the natural beauty and ecological balance of LUMO Conservancy. Their efforts contribute to the broader goals of biodiversity conservation and sustainable land management.