Biopama Success Story 2023

In the heart of the sprawling LUMO Community Wildlife Conservancy in Kenya, a grim reality unfolded as the delicate balance between wildlife, land, and community was teetering on the brink of collapse. Poaching cases were rampant, driven by a lack of resources for the dedicated wildlife rangers who struggled to protect the precious biodiversity that called LUMO home.

Before the intervention, the LUMO landscape bore witness to a tragic decline in its wildlife population. Giraffes, majestic symbols of the African savannah, were a prime target for poachers, leading to a staggering plummet in their numbers. The once-vibrant ecosystem faced degradation. The night became a haunting canvas for illegal activities, as poachers exploited the absence of extensive patrol programs.

It was in this dire situation that the Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA) and LUMO, with the support of BIOPAMA, undertook a transformative project. The linchpin of their strategy was the Site Level Assessment of Governance and Equity (SAGE), conducted in November 2021. The SAGE set the stage for a holistic approach to revitalize LUMO, focusing on strengthening governance and management of the conservancy and the capacity of wildlife rangers to equip them adequately to provide security for wildlife and people within the conservancy.

Key among the project’s objectives was the enhancement and fortification of the capacity of LUMO’s wildlife rangers. In the pre-project era, these unsung heroes lacked the necessary equipment to combat poaching effectively. Poachers, armed with motorbikes, out-maneuvered the rangers, pushing the beleaguered wildlife population to the brink.

The intervention began with a renewed commitment to the rangers’ cause. The project provided them with the necessary tools and resources, ensuring they were well-equipped to face the challenges head-on. The procurement of two additional motorbikes significantly bolstered their patrolling capacity, turning the tide against poachers who had once exploited the gaps in the conservancy’s defenses.

With renewed support for ranger salaries and operations, the LUMO Community Wildlife Conservancy witnessed a remarkable turnaround. In just three months after commencement of project implementation, poaching incidences plummeted by an impressive 75%. The rangers, now equipped with the means to outpace and outsmart poachers, confiscated five motorbikes in the first quarter alone. Additionally, numerous poaching snares were dismantled, releasing the stranglehold on LUMO’s wildlife.

A key element in this success story was the introduction of frequent ambush exercises and extensive patrol programs. Rangers, once outflanked, now had the upper hand in protecting the diverse flora and fauna of LUMO. The strategic interventions were not limited to the eradication of poaching; they extended to the living conditions of the rangers themselves. Increased food rations for those stationed at patrol outposts and those undertaking night stakeouts ensured their well-being, amplifying their commitment to the cause.

As the LUMO landscape began to heal, so did the relationship between the conservancy and its surrounding communities. The benefits of the project rippled through, touching lives beyond the realm of wildlife conservation. With reduced poaching activities, the community experienced increased safety, providing a conducive environment for social and economic development. Livelihoods improved, as the restoration of biodiversity paved the way for ecotourism opportunities, creating more jobs and sustainable income streams.

In the heart of LUMO, the once-dying landscape now stands as a testament to the unwavering dedication of a group of rangers who, discreetly yet resolutely, restored the balance between humanity and nature. The LUMO Community Wildlife Conservancy serves as a beacon of hope, demonstrating the profound impact that strategic interventions and community engagement can have on the delicate dance between wildlife, land, and people.